Researched, written, and compiled by author, Aubrey Graves
Bigfoot of Santa Cruz County, The Sea Monster of Monterey Bay, UFO Sightings of Santa Cruz County

Bigfoot of Santa Cruz County
Believe it or not, Bigfoot, also known as a Sasquatch, among other things is said to roam the backwoods of Santa Cruz County. There have been reports of more than 160 experiences with the beast just within the Santa Cruz Mountains. There’s been so many sightings and substantial evidence that not only does the county have its own Bigfoot museum, even Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot came to Santa Cruz in 2014 to investigate our major hot spot located at the Quail Hollow Ranch in Ben Lomond, California.

Deep in the Santa Cruz Mountains along Highway 9, stands The Bigfoot Discovery Museum, owned by Michael Rugg and Paula Yarr. As a child, Michael witnessed a Bigfoot while camping in Garberville, California. For more than fifty years he has researched, investigated, and searched for the proof of Sasquatch. The Bigfoot Museum opened in 1998. As soon as it did, local witnesses started coming in to talk about their experiences with the Bigfoot around the Santa Cruz Mountains. Several residents have said they heard large, heavy footsteps and breathing on their porches at night. One local from Felton in particular couldn’t wait to share his story with Rugg. Earlier that year, he claimed to see a Sasquatch walking across a ridge behind his home near the Zayante Creek during broad daylight.

The Bigfoot Discovery Project is run with the help of paranormal enthusiast and Sasquatch hunter, Ralph Jack. Ralph has been interested in Bigfoot for decades and has had encounters with the beast as well. In 2011, while hunting for a Yeti late in the night in Big Basin, Mike and Ralph recorded at least four loud calls from anomalies, and received other vocalizations as well. One scream lasted up to fifty seconds.

Along with hearing about local sightings from Rugg at the museum, you can observe the large map on their wall with dozens of thumb tacks showing where Bigfoot has been sighted in our county. Rugg has several recordings of unexplainable howls in the night and sounds of heavy tree branches smacking each other. (Many researchers believe that’s how the Sasquatches communicate with one another.)
Rugg once found a big tooth and showed it to five dentists on separate occasions. They all concluded that “the tooth looked just like a human’s upper molar, but it was way too big.”

The Museum also has numerous foot casts of Sasquatch from various locations over the years. It provides lots of photos and tons of memorabilia of the legendary Bigfoot, as well as showing the famous Patterson-Gimlin film that’s played there throughout the day. (In 1967, the Patterson film was recorded by Roger Patterson in Bluff Creek. There, Roger filmed a Bigfoot walking along the creek into the woods.)

I find one of the most popular questions skeptics say is “Well, if there is such thing as Bigfoot, why hasn’t anyone found a body?” There are a few alleged reasons that a Bigfoot corpse has never been found. Rugg pointed out that, statistically, when an animal dies in the woods, its body can be completely gone and eaten by other animals within five to seven days. Unless there are people hiking out in the deep woods around the time the Bigfoot had died, the chances of finding a corpse or remains (of any animal really) isn’t very likely. Some researchers believe that Bigfoot lives underground and stays there the majority of the time, so they would most likely die underground, where no one would ever discover a body. Some also believe that Sasquatches bury their dead.
Also, several Bigfoot researchers believe in the theory that Bigfoot is from another dimension, and is able to go in and out of our dimension (much like spirits do).

Bigfoot has been seen, investigated, and talked about for hundreds of years. The Ohlone Indians called Bigfoot “Chuntana” and would warn the Indian children to stay close to their campsite at night or the “Chuntana” would get them.
There are theories that Bigfoot and aliens are linked and that Bigfoot may even be from outer space. Dozens of people from around the US have sighted a Bigfoot and a UFO near each other, or in the same vicinity as one another.

In 2003, a couple eye witnesses reported seeing Bigfoot in their back yard one night, after hearing loud footsteps, grunting sounds, and their pet chicken cackle from across their back porch. When they went out back to investigate the uncanny sounds, they saw a large dark figure leap over their six-foot gate and run off into the woods. The next morning, Michael Rugg came to check out the scene in Ben Lomond. Right behind the gate there was a trail of plucked chicken feathers leading down further into the wilderness. Rugg followed the trail and it lead him to the chicken that had been stolen and killed the night before. They wondered why something would just hunt for their food and then leave it. The owners then recalled turning on their backyard lights after the incident, which probably scared the monster away.
Another encounter scared the daylights out of a Boulder Creek local, who was hanging out in his hot tub around 2 AM one night. The victim was just relaxing when he heard and felt a huge banging coming from underneath the hot tub, shaking it and the deck it sat on. The Boulder Creek local jumped out of his hot tub and ran into his house. The next day he went to investigate what he had experienced the night before. Below the tall deck was something the local had never seen before. A pair of plastic karate nun-chucks were placed neatly right below where the local had been sitting in his hot tub the night before. He felt as if the child’s toy was deliberately placed there for him. The local decided to go ask his next door neighbor if she had any idea whose they were. Surprisingly they belonged to his neighbor’s son, who had lost the nun-chucks in the woods about ten to eleven years ago. It is believed by many that Bigfoot is known to bring gifts to people. Rugg and the victim hypothesized that the hairy beast needed to get the local’s attention so that he would find his prize.
In 2012, a Bigfoot was sighted and heard at Quail Hollow Ranch in Ben Lomond, CA, by two different individuals within two weeks of each other. A couple hiking at the ranch in May of 2012, shared their encounter:

Here’s a list of just a few places of reported Bigfoot sightings within the County:
- Granite Creek Road, Scotts Valley
- Pogonip, Santa Cruz
- Highway 152, Watsonville
- Zayante, Felton
- Quail Hollow Ranch, Ben Lomond
- Highway 1, Santa Cruz
- Big Basin, Boulder Creek

Possible Bigfoot apparition, photo taken by Mike Rugg during a Bigfoot Investigation in the Santa Cruz Mountains

Sea Monster of Monterey Bay
A sea monster by the name of “Old Man of Monterey Bay” has been sighted on several occasions, with reports dating as far back as the 1920s, regarding a creature that’s about 30 to 40 feet long that swims right below the surface of the ocean at times.
In 1922, a fisherman was sailing home when he saw something bobbing up and down in the ocean about a half a mile away. Worried that it might be someone in danger he sped over to it. Within about 100 feet, he noticed it wasn’t human, but a sea monster. The Captain described the creature to have a head the size of a 50-gallon drum and its forehead was huge and protruding. Standing there staring at the monster’s unearthly face, the fisherman recalled that there had just been reports of two fishermen who had vanished while at sea. Quickly, he turned on the boat’s engine and headed back home, deciding that he wouldn’t tell anyone about the incident.
In 1925, a creature which is believed to be a Beaked Whale, or a Plesiosaurus, washed up on the shore two miles north of Santa Cruz. Some locals and researchers believed that this sea creature is what had been spotted for the last few years, and that the found creature was the “Old Man of Monterey Bay.” – But it wasn’t.

The sea monster was sighted by many other fishermen over the years and was referred to by some as “Bobo.” Bobo was sighted in 1940 near the Monterey Trench by another captain and his crew. In the late 1940s, a sudden increase in sightings was reported near Monterey, Pacific Grove, and Fort Ord.

In 1948, The Old Man of the Sea was seen by nine crew members on the Monterey Trench. The crew members observed the sea creature’s long neck six feet above the water line. They said the monster looked humanoid and “had a flat nose and large blinking eyes.”

Bobo was rarely reported after 1948. Although rumors still flock the town that some fisherman do spot the sea monster, but are just reluctant to report it to the papers in concern of harming their reputations.
Additional Information:
-There have been several reports of the Sea Monster spotted south of the Santa Cruz wharf over the years.


UFO Sightings of Santa Cruz County
Legend has it that a UFO base is located in the deep waters of the Monterey Bay. Many have seen unidentified flying objects fly over Santa Cruz County, as well as Salinas and Monterey, California. Others have witnessed a UFO crashing into the sea. Some claim to have seen a disc-shaped craft, while others have seen random flickering lights.

Over the years there have been an abundant amount of reports of seeing alien spacecrafts fly over Santa Cruz County.

1964, December 31st
La Selva, Santa Cruz County, CA
"I was 21 years old, and was on La Selva Beach after sunset with three friends. We rolled up our pants to run through the water. It was dinner time so we started back to the parking lot walking through thick sand. About half way there was a beam of light at the back of the beach in front of the cliff. There was no electricity on the beach, so we didn't understand how it could be there. It was a large beam which didn't spread light onto the surrounding area. The two men in the group wanted to run to the base of the beam to see who was there, but i was very frightened and grabbed their arms and told them not to.
Many years later I was telling a counselor about the experience and he asked me what happened next. For the first time I realized that there was missing time. We were all waking up at the same time just standing in a row so very relaxed. I was not ready to move yet, but one in our group broke the mood by saying loudly that we should go. The light was gone with no memory of it going. Mulling it over in my later life, I wonder what happened during that missing time ... I don't know how much time passed, but when I arrived at my parent's house my mother told me that I was late and had missed dinner. I recently read the "Alien Files," by Marden and Stoner. I was shocked to read the symptoms that sometimes happen after contact. I don't know that I was abducted, but it would explain my chronic fatigue syndrome which disabled me over 20 years ago."
1971, April
Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, CA
"I saw the craft slowly and silently gliding along a fire trail in the Santa Cruz Mountains where I usually went on walks. I was down-hill when I noticed this metallic blue-silver, brighter than neon light with no windows. The light didn't light up the surrounding area but was extremely brilliant. I was chanting at the time I saw it and I wasn't afraid. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to tell about it as my husband wouldn't believe me when I told him." - www.nuforc.org/
1971, May 6th
Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz County, CA
"After sunset while sitting above the pacific coast, I saw five rapidly moving round objects in the distance over the ocean. Quickly they headed towards the coast and my position, changing colors, speed and direction instantaneously. When they changed direction, most times there was no speed change. They could reverse movement immediately. By the time they reached my position there were three; two had disappeared while taking off in different directions. They blinked out of sight almost immediately. The remaining three stopped directly in front of me and hovered, making no noise at all. They held perfectly still. Still changing colors. The light and color coming from them was contained inside of the spheres and did not radiate. They were approximately 30 yards from me and approximately 12'-15' in diameter. After a couple of minutes of observing each other they began to leave in the direction they had come from. Then they did their patented speed and direction change and headed up and almost immediately were lost to view."
1974, June
Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, CA
"Extremely huge, very slow moving object seen in the sky by 7 witnesses.:
I was babysitting for neighbors and as they were coming in the house, the mother called out, from outside, for us to come outside to look.
We all went outside. In the sky was a completly black bicycle horn shaped UFO. It had a large round shape in the back with a cylinder in the middle and cone shape in front of that. Out of the cone shaped front was shining a huge light.
The UFO appeared to be about the size of a football field, or maybe a little bigger even. It was moving extremely slowly and was hanging very low in the sky, much lower then normal aircraft. We all stood there with our mouths open for easily 15 minutes watching in silence as it moved in slow increments across a very short distance.
Suddenly the "front" light went out and maybe two or three seconds later the now completely dark shape disintegrated like ashes. Particules just seemed to hang in the air for a few more seconds and then there was nothing. After maybe a few seconds we all erupted with sound, confirming that we had all seen it. What we had seen, etc.
The father went in and called the police who, after several phone calls told him that they had some report that some air force base was conducting test flights of some craft they had. The only air force base at the time was many many miles away and to this day I do not believe that we have the capacity to hold an object that huge in the air nor have it move that slowly with out it crashing, much less the fact that it completely disintegrated into nothing." - www.nuforc.org/
1976, September 1st
Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, CA
"Commuting from work from Redwood City to Boulder Creek. On Skyline Blvd on top of the ridge that divides the Bay Area from the Pacific Ocean. At points on the road can see both sides clearly. A small amber sphere came out of the ocean at Pescadero so we stopped aside on skyline (1200 feet above sea level) and observed. It must of seen our car lights and proceeded toward us (no commuters at that time period. It got larger and larger as came straight toward us, then stopped in front of us with no sound. I jumped out of our '72 Toyota Landcruiser with spotlight on top of roof. I jumped up and down waving my arms then sent "SOS" signal with the spot light directly toward this incredibly large amber ball of light. Each time I did this it would respond up and down, side to side, and diagonally and returned to its original position each time (no sound) after 20 min or so it took off straight up leaving a chem trail within a less than a second out of sight (no sound)."
Reporter Betty Barnical from the San Jose Mercury News shared that a same similar object was sighted at the same time in Phoenix, Arizona.
1980, November
Pleasure Point, Santa Cruz County, CA
"I had just got off work and drove to the beach to have a beer and fill out a time card, when I saw a white light of (what I thought was a plane) on the other side of Monterey Bay. I was just going to look down to start writing when it started to climb at about a 15 degree angle. Soon afterwards it dropped what I thought was a red flare; so it now had my full attention. But after falling a short distance, it started to fly straight and level, and it soon afterwards dropped another red light. The first one (red light) flew back towards Monterey, and the second one started to fly towards Santa Cruz to where I was. When I wondered where the first one (mother ship) was, I looked up towards the west in the same direction it was headed when I first saw it. It was gone, and there was a huge circle of smoke in the shape like the flame of a candle ... It must have disappeared in a flash, but made no sound. The first red light disappeared over Monterey and the second one came right towards me. In about 15 minutes it went right over my head at about 1,000 feet, moving slow at about 15 mph. There was a white light on the front end, a port and starboard lights, -red and green. But no sound at all."
Santa Cruz, CA
"I was camping on Four Mile Beach just north of Santa Cruz with some friends back in 1993. We were just chilling in the dark when we saw a disc shaped object about the size of a bus fly past us over the water. It was flying just a few feet over the waves. We went closer to the water so we could see it better as it passed by. A bit down from where we were it switched direction and headed out towards the ocean. When it was about I'd say 200 yards out it stopped and lowered itself into the ocean and was gone. I've been a believer in UFOs ever since that night. - ufosentinel.com
1997, August 5th
Santa Cruz, CA
"My roommate was taking a picture of me on a mountain. When he snapped a picture of the craft also. I was electrified or something and my roommate does not remember what happened after he took the photo. All i know is i was back at the car by my friend, right after the shot was taken.We both realized that about an hour or so was gone.
There were no sounds or lights about the craft. It all happened like if it was a dream. For the rest of the day we were in a stupor. We doubted the whole incident more and more as the day went along. About a month later we developed the picture." - www.nuforc.org/
1997, December 1st
Santa Cruz, CA
"It was night and I saw large lights coming toward my house in Santa Cruz, California. I was standing outside in my driveway when I saw them coming from the Monterey Bay/ocean area and heading in a northwest direction.
I believe it was the same craft reported on your site seen in San Jose that night. It came from the southeast (Monterey Bay) and was heading northwest. I also thought it was a plane going to the San Jose or SFO Airport until it flew over me. At that point I noticed it was going too slow to be an airplane, although my friend said 'wow a stealth bomber!' There was no sound, it was very low, very large and moved slowly over us, over my house toward the Santa Cruz Mountains. Once over the mountains it would be in the San Jose area. There were very large blinking lights on each tip that showed the shape of the craft as it flew overhead as a triangle. I wish I spent more time observing it but since my friend said 'stealth bomber;" that's what I thought it was. It was only later I realized a stealth bomber would probably be going much faster, be flying much higher, and make noise. As I noticed, the lights were so bright that they clearly revealed the shape as triangular. Time on this report is approximate." - www.nuforc.org/
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
"I used to live in a small rental house with my wife across the street from this small minimum security correctional facility for first time youth offenders. We didn't find out that the house across the street was a prison until after we moved in. My wife was freaked out and after she found out we were living next door to criminals she made me get up at night to check on every single tiny sound to make sure it wasn't some young hooligan from next door trying to break in. There's always sounds and most of the time it was nothing, turned out it was never the criminals next door, they were all nonviolent kids who had stolen a car or something. But one time it was something, something I wish I had never seen. My wife had woken me up at 4 am because she thought she had heard someone walking outside the window and as usual I had to make sure it wasn't a young delinquent stealing stuff or trying to set our home on fire. I got up and as usual and grabbed the tire iron I had been keeping by the bed since we found out we were living next to a prison. I walked out the door and around the back of the house and that's when I saw an alien behind the house. It was one of those creepy ones you see in pop-culture with the big head and small body. That's all I remember. I don't know what happened next but my wife came after me and found me unconscious on the ground. She dragged me inside where I came to. She told me after I went out there was bright light outside the house that was so bright she couldn't see anything but the light and the light went up to the sky. She ran out of the house to look for me and found me face down on the ground. She was so panicked she just grabbed my feet and dragged me face down into the house so when I woke up I had dirt in my nose and big bruises all over my face. Would have been nice if she would have turned me face up and dragged me in by my shoulders instead.
We moved out shortly after that. We never had any trouble with the young hooligans next door, just with space aliens, and that's way worse." -ufosentinel.com
1999, August 25th
Santa Cruz, CA
"Aug. 25th Wednesday evening at 9:30pm I noticed two bright orange lights on a ridge across a valley while standing in my back yard, I Immediately called my husband to come take a look, at first I thought maybe they were fire trucks on the ridge, but as I looked through the my binoculars I realized that they were not Fire trucks, but were actually about 15 degrees above the ridge moving in the a South West direction. I couldn't make out a definite shape, only they were round and and glowed like a flame, they never flickered and I couldn't see any lights other than this orange glow. I followed them through my binoculars as they moved slowly above the ridge for about 5 minutes, then they both seem to stop moving for about 30 second, then one of them moved down and behind the other side of the ridge and I could no longer see it, the second one stayed still, just hovering there above the ridge for about 30 seconds, as I watched it, it just turn off ? Like turning off a light. It didn't move up or down like the other one had, it just dissapeared right in front of my eyes! My Husband and I are amateur star gazer, we've seen quite a few interesting things up here in the Santa Cruz Mtns, like Muir and a couple of comets, but I've never seen anything like this!"
1999, September 9th
Santa Cruz, CA
"Three lights across the horizon slowly traveling from side to side seeming to dip into the water then flying high above. The bright lights were obviously were far away yet they at times travelled at very high speeds that seemed impossible. The lights were far away from each other at times but seemed to mirror each others movements. At times, they would be directly on top of each other moving in the same bizaar manner. A manner that did not seem logical for human purposes. I thought perhaps rescue helicopters far off shore but I ruled this out because of the incredible speed and the bizaar nature of these lights. The lights were mostly white but had glimpses of color from time to time. They were solid lights though, that never dimmed. My friend and I watched for hours and I fear that we will never Know what we saw." - www.nuforc.org/
Santa Cruz, CA
"I was at the bus stop at UC Santa Cruz with now husband, then boyfriend. It was evening possible around 9 pm. We were at Porter College which as we were high up on the campus, you can almost see toward the ocean. I was looking at the stars and saw a “shooting star”, except it was changing colors. And it wasn’t really descending as it should it began to head south. At first I thought the colors may have been a result of atmospheric lights, humidity, or simply the burning up of gases as it came into our atmosphere. But , I got my partner’s attention. We questioned that it was a plane or satellite. It continued to change colors and speed and directions. We were both perplexed and yes, sober! It zigzagged a bit leaving trails of color, I remember seeing orange a blue like mini contrails. After it had changed direction it shot off to the left (south) again and disappeared with its orange tail fading into the night. The whole time I was shouting.” Do you see this?” Are we both seeing this?”
I never saw it again and nothing like it . I know there is a military base up the mountains past the campus and wrote it off as something they must’ve been doing. It was fast like satellite but I think too high up to be military!
The direction change and disappearance is what really made me wonder. We still talk about it today years later and decided to share." - ufo.net
2002, June 14th
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
“It was June 14, 2002 around 10:00pm. I was living on Summit / Mt Madonna Road … I had just lied down for bed and heard a low rumble and it started getting louder and louder. I sat up in bed to try and see what was going on outside. I had never heard anything like this in all my life. Hundreds of small bluish white beams of light began strobing and flashing all around outside of my house. Like a thousand flashes of a camera in only ten seconds. I could seem the beams scan around as if under control. My heart is pounding so hard and I feel like I am going into shock at this point. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. The last several beams came through my window and I had a very close look at them, about 15 inches away from my legs. The beams were 10 inches around with a darker blue core and a brighter bluish white outer. Like a beam inside a beam is the best I can describe it. I peer out the window and see this 500ft long craft flying directly overhead only 200-300ft above me and traveling in a north east direction very slowly. Looking directly up at the craft I could see a huge square red light and a dozen smaller white lights in rows around the outer edge in a triangular shape. I know the craft was flying super low because I could now see the rear of the ship. From the rear I could see large circular red lights pulsating from left to right, then right to left and so on. Then slowly disappeared out of sight. The whole incident only lasted 15 minutes … Strangely, I went calmly to sleep without getting out of bed to go and check on my 16 year old cousin who was right outside camping in a tent only 25 feet away.
I awoke the next morning with no memory of this sighting, and neither did my cousin until later that evening at the exact same instant we both remembered and became so flustered; we couldn’t find the words to describe what happened. We both just knew and tears came out of our eyes for a second. Then words came out and he said he saw the exact same thing, and even more than I had seen due to the fact he was out in a tent looking straight at it during all the beam flashes. He told me it looked as if it were searching for me and when it found me the beams stopped. We both drew pictures in separate rooms and compared them; both were almost identical. I still have the drawings. I always wanted to tell my people about this incident but I don’t want to be called crazy…” - ufostalker.com
2005, September 26th
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
A family in Watsonville spotted a UFO flying overhead for 45 minutes. “The object was black and triangular shaped just hovering…it was similar to a manta ray with no tail bobbing in the sky.” - National UFO Reporting Center Website.
2007, June 16th
Felton, Santa Cruz County, CA
"Large stationary, very bright light that changed shape and color on 6/15/07 at approx 2145. Observed large, very bright light in stationary position due west of Felton, CA. Remained stationary for extended period, and was approx 60 degrees off horizon. Was much larger than nearby stars, and was larger on top than on bottom. Object appeared to be changing shape occasionally, and flashes of red and blue were observed by 3 witnesses, including a long time fire captain and another 911 dispatcher. When viewed through binoculars, object appeared to be horse-shoe shaped, or u-shaped. After 30 min of observation, object was no longer visible from location."
2007, October
Santa Cruz, CA
“While on the boardwalk in Santa Cruz, CA, I was looking to the north from the sky tram ride. I noticed a disc hovering in the air at approximately 10,000 feet above and approximately 10 to 20 miles away. It appeared as a quarter in the sky. The day was clear with no cloud cover. The white object was very difficult see even with the clear blue background. There was no sound. I watched it for a minute to make sure I could not identify the object as a known air craft. I pointed it out to my fiancé and she also saw it. We watched it for a minute hovering and then it began to move to the east. Very slowly at first and then it seemed to speed up in two intervals. First it began to move fast and then in the second interval it sped up and went out of sight. This speed transition took place in about 3 seconds. i asked her if she had seen the same thing? She said she had and we just sat there in amazement ... Both of my grandfathers were pilots, and I fly myself. I have also been an avid aircraft enthusiast my whole life designing and building small aircraft. I know how conventional air craft fly and this craft exhibited no flight behavior.” -ufostalker.com
2008, October 7th
Bonny Doon, Santa Cruz County, CA
"My girlfriend and I stepped outside my house in Bonny Doon, CA, and directly in our line of view as we stepped down the stairs, we noticed a big bright white light moving in a straight line across the sky. I thought it must be an airplane at first. We watched it as it went overhead. It moved about the same speed as an airplane. However, it was brighter than a normal airplane and consisted only of a single light - no flashing. There was also no noise. It also occurred to us that it might be a satellite, but it seemed much lower and larger than that. As it moved further towards the southern end of the sky, it began to turn bright red. As it turned red, it also got smaller and smaller. The intensity of the light also seemed to dim as though it was fizzling out or moving very far away very fast. This happened for no more than 5 seconds before it disappeared completely. Neither my girlfriend nor I felt many emotions during the event, other than fascination and a little disbelief. We stopped in our tracks and just watched it. We asked each other, "Is it turning red?" And "Wow, did it just disappear?" - Stuff like that. We both saw the same thing. About a minute or two after it had disappeared, a loud airplane flew across the sky headed in about the same direction. It was somewhat low in the sky and didn't seem to be a regular passenger jet. Not really an expert on planes but it looked weird - 4 red lights in a row in the back with one long white light along the hull."
2009, July 18th
Santa Cruz, CA
On July 18, 2009, a couple from Santa Cruz captured what is believed to be a UFO on film. They noticed the UFO on three separate occasions that night and caught it flying over the Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz. In their video footage, dark orange colored lights are moving around and fading in and out. Their neighbors confirmed of seeing the lights as well, along with many other local residents. The sighting was reported on the Central Coast News.
2010, May 1st
Santa Cruz, CA
Four people observed six UFOs flying over the Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz on May 1, 2010. They reported to the UFOs Northwest website, “The lights were extremely bright orange and seemed to gain altitude as they headed south towards Monterey. After several minutes they disappeared into the clouds. The objects made no noise and seemed to float like giant glowing balloons.” A man reported the same sighting the following day and described the UFOs to look similar to soap bubbles.
2010, November 19th
Santa Cruz, CA
On November 19, 2010, a UFO was reported by an individual who wrote, “I saw four red orbs flying below cloud cover at 8:40 PM and stopped my car to get out and observe. Another driver did the same. The orbs were very odd and they were definitely not an aircraft,” -UFOs Northwest website. The next morning another witness reported the same sighting.
2010, December 31st
Santa Cruz, CA
On New Year’s Eve, 2010, another local from Santa Cruz filmed a UFO that looked very similar to the UFO seen in 2009. This particular object had one flickering light and emitted a loud unknown buzzing sound. (Many have reported hearing humming or buzzing sounds near the bay at times and believe it’s linked to the UFOs.)
2011, January 23rd
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
"Driving on a dark road near my rural Santa Cruz County home at a little after 7pm, I round a corner and was faced with an obvious, couldn't have missed it if I tried, scenario. Above and beyond the hillside separating the road from the beach, about five to ten miles away, at about 3000 to 5000 feet, I was blown away by the dramatic and unexplainable phenomena hovering and flashing at a slow and steady rate - on and off. I pulled off to the side of the road - after a minute, I got out of my car to watch more effectively. The flashing orb must have hovered and shone it brilliant bright, yet soft while light, for about three or four minutes. I began to feel as though it sensed my awareness and consequently, felt a bit of fear star to hit me. however, it was far enough away, that I had a certain sense of safety. Anyway, after about four or five minutes, the flashing orb powered down to a fraction of its original brilliance. At this point, the hovering ended and the dimming light began moving away from the ocean and toward the interior. As it got further away, it had smaller red lights involved in some way or another. This was an event that launched me into a whole new stratosphere of determination to do my part to help people prepare for the changes we are experiencing in an ongoing manner. However, the changes we are facing could very well require a level of wisdom and intelligence that goes beyond the kind of cleverness that has succeeded in the past. As Eckhart Tolle said: 'Intelligence joins, cleverness divides.'"
2011, April 16th
Santa Cruz, CA
On April 16, 2011 right before sunset, four people witnessed nine objects flying in an odd pattern in the sky above Santa Cruz. The sighting was reported to the UFOs Northwest website, which states, “There were about seven that flew in an odd pattern with two traveling behind. The initial seven seemed to disappear into the sky. The two traveling behind seemed to disappear in the same location. Then two more came into sight in the same trailing pattern to the main group. All objects appeared orange in the sunset sky and then twinkled out and disappeared.”
2011, August 31st
Soquel, Santa Cruz County, CA
"My wife and I were going to dinner Labor Day Monday evening at about 9 pm. I'm a state police officer 15 years if that adds some credibility. I was off duty at the time. we were approaching an intersection in the town of Soquel, CA. Darkness had just set. We are a coastal community and this time of year the fog rolls in when the sun goes down. It wasn't foggy at ground level but the cloud ceiling was very low; maybe a few thousand feet. We were facing toward the connecting town of Capitola which sits right on the Monterey Bay. We were no more than 1 1/2 miles from Capitola and the beach waterline. No other vehicles were on the road at this time. We approached the intersection and stopped for a red light. It was at this time we observed 10 or so lights traveling from left to right very slowly just below the fog ceiling. They were all exactly the same size and color of light. About basketball size with a bright yellowish light hue. They were staggered in formation one high, one low, one high, and so on. The light they emitted was consistent not blinking in any pattern. They all seemed to move slowly up and down not necessarily in unison. just kinda bobbling as they traveled slowly. We jumped out of the car immediately and fumbled to get a picture with my wive's phone to no avail. Suddenly as the first light disappeared farthest to the right, the rest of the lights also did one by one, as soon as they would reach the same spot the first one disappeared at. Maybe a few second or more apart. Never saw anything like it until I was watching a UFO program on (I think the history channel) one day. The program showed the exact lights in the exact formation traveling left to right at dusk over some mountains in Arizona. I woke my wife at the time and rewound the show for her to see. She absolutely agreed it was one in the same. There are no airports in the vicinity and no military bases; besides no plane or helicopter would be allowed to fly in that weather. We rarely see them during the day in good weather. I tried to find other possible witnesses to no avail. I'm very certain what I saw."
2012, November 12th
Felton, Santa Cruz County, CA
"Two ufos seen by a skeptic in Felton, CA. I went to take my dog out to pee. this just happened, and I am upset that I was alone because no one will believe this. Case in point when I ran in to tell my husband, and he came out to see there was nothing, and he thinks I'm insane. but I know what I saw. I was looking up at the redwoods like I usually do. I was spacing out while my dog roamed around sniffing. I noticed a weird whistle? which at 2 am in the woods where I live is very unusual. So I tensed and was getting to call my dog back in fear that there was some crazy person (we've had drifters show up on the property before) lurking about. then I noticed that it sounded like a whistle mixed in with some kind of radio station. I know this is weird, but I thought it sounded like rock music and a human whistle combined. I then just looked up. I don't know why; and there was a plane. Not that unusual and I was about to look away to go inside away from the sound. But then the sound stopped, and the plane started moving weird and was going in a circle. I thought it might be a helicopter as they've been known to make runs looking for illegal weed farms up here, but it wasn't. I don't know how to describe the pattern of flight, but it was not a helicopter. It went sort of wobbly. Then to the side. Then to the other side, making a sort of exaggerated oval pattern still moving forward. This is going to sound insane, but I feel like it noticed me watching it because it stopped its weird flying and just hovered for a few seconds. then I noticed a second smaller one off in the distance- also flying towards my general direction. A sense of fear hit me that I have never felt before. (I have been attacked on the subway, and I didn't feel fear as strongly as this.) I screamed for the dog and ran inside. I woke my husband and he went outside to smoke a cigarette. I followed him out there and there was nothing. After he made fun of me, I decided to type this while this was fresh in my mind and submit it to whatever sites for logging this sort of thing I could find. whatever it is did not seem friendly, or I was too scared and that shut down my thinking. But, this is the simplest way I can put it so, I will just repeat it: It did not seem friendly."
2013, June
Santa Cruz, CA
“Two friends and I were spending father's day having a bonfire on a beach in Santa Cruz. It was around 3 am when we decided to go home. As we were leaving we past a homeless man who was walking onto the beach. As we past this man, he pointed to the sky and asked us, ‘what's that?’ We all turned to look, and when we saw what he was pointing at we froze. There was a faint fireball coming straight out of the sky. I was raised by an astronomer, so at first I thought it was a comet. But as it got closer it stopped. The flames vanished and I could see this cylindrical metal craft with white lights around the bottom. It looked like a metal toilet paper roll. The craft bottom started to close, like a cartoon satellite opening. As it did that, the shape turned into a disc, almost as if the toilet paper roll had been compressed. It got longer and shorter; I could see a window form at the top that appeared to go 360 degrees around the craft. The lights went out and the craft turned into a bubble. I could see stars behind it, but I could see the reflection of the city lights. The craft started floating north up the coast. We walked to the car keeping an eye on this bubble craft thing. We followed it for about 10 minutes before we lost sight of it. Scariest day of my life. I still tear up and get anxiety when I think about it. We are not alone in this universe, I am now a true believer.” -Ufostalker.com
2013, December
Santa Cruz, CA
In December of 2013, at around 1 AM my friend and I witnessed what we believe to be a group of UFOs. While we were smoking a cigarette outside on her balcony overlooking the boardwalk, we saw these multi-colored lights way up in the sky above the ocean. They were moving fast creating a circle, and then began weaving in and out of each other for a few minutes. Then suddenly, several (about 20) smaller lights came out from the main lights, which danced around and mostly circled each other at high speed for about 10 minutes. We even saw a plane fly by (much lower than the lights) and it wasn't going nearly as fast as the lights were. I had never seen anything like it, and it took me by such surprise, of course I first wondered if I was just seeing things.
I asked my friend, “Ummm ... are you seeing what I'm seeing?!!!"
“Hell yeah,” she replied. “This is f***ing insane!!!!”
About a month after our encounter, I researched online and found that someone had seen them as well, that very night from their home in Boulder Creek. - Author, Aubrey Graves

2014, August 17th
Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, CA
"White balls of light with one orange ball from the summit of the Santa Cruz Mountains looking down into Boulder Creek area saw 5 or 6 white balls of light bouncing, or dancing around getting very bright and big; then getting dimmer, smaller and bigger. Also a small round dimmer orange ball of light off to the side. I watched for around 10 minutes at 4:00am."
2015, December 27th
Santa Cruz, CA
“I sat on my bed and gazed out the window (facing north/west) and noticed what I thought was an airplane. The lights appeared a little bit more intense than a normal plane, so I got up and walked to the window to get a closer view. When I got to the window I noticed that the object appeared to just be hovering with slight flutters in movement. The lights on the bottom had no unique intensity in color but they were constantly flashing and appeared to have some pattern or sequence to them ... I'm not very good at judging distance, but it appeared as if it was two or more miles away and lower than a commercial jet would fly; but similar to the height that a jet would fly. It was hard to get a good solid look at any detail because of the distance ... I watched it hover and do its light show for about 10 minutes, and then I had to leave the room to get ready for work. When I came back to the room 40 minutes later it was gone. I did not take a picture because the distance of the object would have not provided any details that would have been helpful.” –ufostalker.com
2016, March
Santa Cruz, CA
“I had just returned from dinner. I got out of the car and looked up to the sky, for it was a beautiful clear night and the stars were out. I noticed two objects in the north, moving in a southerly direction. They caught my eye because I had never seen those kind of lights before. We live in the flight path of SFO and San Jose int. airports, so I see a lot of airplanes. At the time I first noticed the objects there was a plane going north, it seemed to be higher than the two objects. I thought they might be helicopters but the lights were different. They also seemed too high to be helicopters, and they made no noise that I could hear. They looked like a white circle with kind of blue and green pulsating lights. One went in a south east direction and seemed to gain in altitude until I could not see it any longer. The other object continued in a south west direction. It slowed down to a very slow speed. Not a hover but close to it. Then it sped up to somewhat faster than it was going before. Maybe like 100 mph or so knowing how fast most small planes fly around in the area. As it sped up the lights seemed to change to a kind of white fuzzy light with a small reddish light moving around the perimeter of the object. It really made me think I might have seen a UFO. Like I said, I look up a lot and these two objects were not like anything I have ever seen. I later thought maybe a drone. --Don’t think so. A drone would not have gone up and out of sight, they come down. I asked my wife to come out and look at what I was looking at, just so she would not think I was nuts. By that time the one had already disappeared but the other was still visible. She doesn't have quite as good of vision as I do, but she agreed it was different and not a helicopter. I sure would like to know if anyone else saw what I saw. Chances are they would not report it, I guess. This is the first report I have made. It made such an impression on me I took the time to do so.” - ufostalker.com
2017, February
Capitola, Santa Cruz County, CA
“Six bright red orb-like objects in the sky hovering above Monterey Bay. They looked somewhat like fireballs moving fairly fast in all directions and slowly faded up into the sky within two minutes of one another. Definitely NOT mistaken identity for flying lanterns. I am not sure how long they were there for, from the time I noticed to the time they disappeared it had been about 15 minutes.” -ufohunters.com
2017, October
Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz County, CA
“I was outside setting up my new telescope looking for a clear area to point it, when I saw a plane coming in from the North West. When I noticed a silver object in the sky, it seemed to be twice as high as the passenger airplane passing at the time. I watched it in comparison with the east bound plane and it seemed to be stationary. I ran inside to get my phone to check the time (3:44pm pst) and grabbed my binoculars, I wasn't able to focus the telescope. I focused in on it with my binoculars and checked the time (3:45pm pst) the object appeared to float in a sweeping motion at what seemed to be varying heights. Occasionally I could see what looked like blue lights, two, on what seemed to be the front, it was shaped like an elongated diamond upside down. It took about seven minutes to cross the field of view then hovered in the southwestern sky for a minute then vanished.” -ufohunters.com
2018, April 13th
Monterey Bay, Santa Cruz County, CA
"It started off with me and my brother going halibut and rock cod fishing. We went out of Santa Cruz Harbor around 5:45am ... We headed towards Monterey (south), as we got around 3 to 4 miles so we fished there for about 2 to 3 hours ... I noticed something dark that caught my eye, so I looked up and saw a saucer shaped UFO just hovering around 500 to 1000 feet above. It just stayed there, not moving; no sound, nothing. I stared at this for a few min and could not get my brother's attention, like it wouldn't let me. Like I forgot how to move, talk, or do anything! All I remember was it had a shinning strip or some kind of metal in the middle. The rest was dark grey. The weird thing is I didn't even remember fishing the rest of the day. I don't remember driving my boat home, or even telling my brother about this till a few years later. It's like it erased my memory of the time I saw it and after because I don't even remember if we caught fish, or driving my boat, or how we even got home! I have a good memory especially when I go fishing, but I have never seen anything like this ... I am kinda nervous to go out in the fog again, it wasn't a scary encounter, just more strange then anything. Like why can't I remember anything after I saw it?? ... This is what I saw 100% honest, and 100% it was a UFO. Nothing can hover like that. It was the size of maybe a 737, with a very smooth bottom. There was no way this thing had any kind of wheel wells for landing gear it was solid smooth." - ufostalker.com
2018, June 20th
Aptos, Santa Cruz County, CA
“At 2:30 pm, on June 20th, I was standing on the cliff above La Selva Beach, CA. I was looking at ocean then looked to the sky. There, high above was a very shiny object heading west. It seemed 1/2 the size of a jet. Too high for a small plane and had no wings. No contrails involved. I was intrigued of its shine, thinking it was a very new plane. After what seemed a couple of minutes, it completely disappeared. I thought it must be behind something, but it was a clear cloudless day. I went over to a man standing near me because he had binoculars, but he was looking for creatures of the sea. When I told him what I saw, I felt like a complete idiot, as his response was very demeaning. So I backed off from him a few feet, then looked up again. There it was again, only not so far west. Same object, appeared for a few seconds, then disappeared. Then there was a flash or burst of light, not the object itself but in front of the object. Very strange. I’m really doubting what I saw. I have never had a sighting of a UFO before. I don't follow it except on occasion when the military or Nasa reports something. So that is my report. All I can say, it was a cross between a cylinder and rectangle. Afterwards, a small plane flew in the opposite direction, and was very dark. This was not a small plane that I saw, nor was it a jet.” -ufohunters.com
2019, July 29th
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
"There was a large object that was rotating and hovering around for some time. The object seemed to be more of a half moon shape."
2019, November 11th
Santa Cruz, CA
"I was outside about 6 pm in the front yard facing west. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what I thought was a meteor breaking apart in the sky northwest of me; except that the fragments didn't slow, nor did they lose altitude. They continued silently in a straight line south/southeast until my girlfriend and I could no longer see them. The whole sighting lasted about 2-3 minutes."
2020, July 25th
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
"I was outside gardening and always take some time to look up every so often just incase. I saw 3 orbs/ spheres that appeared at different times before going in a path. They were appearing and disappearing before moving /hovering away and disappearing in the clouds. They looked like large white marbles."
2020, August 1st
Capitola, Santa Cruz County, CA
"This happened on August 1st, 2020 at Capitola Beach, CA around 10:20pm. I looked up and it looked like there were 2 moons. Except for one of them was a grayish color moving around like nothing I have ever seen. next thing i saw was smaller glowing objects coming out of the large orb. These objects were all over the place leaving large light streaks as they flew back and fourth around the large orb."
2021, January 17th
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
"My wife and I were about to leave the house but felt compelled to go outside. We saw a big bright orb and a few others around. After uploading our videos we saw that there was a lot more activity going on that we hadn't seen being so focused on the bright orbs. We saw several ships but only a few were in focus."
2021, February 25th
Santa Cruz, CA
"At a little after 9am this morning my dog and I were playing in the middle of the field at university park in Santa Cruz when I suddenly felt the urge to look up. When I did, I was shocked to see approximately 9 to 10 UFOs flying in a loose formation approximately 1000 to 1500 feet above. My first thought was that it was merely a flock of seagulls, but it was far too high. Each object was luminous but reflected like metal at times and had independent control. Some hovered for a few seconds doing tight circles no birds or helicopters could do, even going in reverse before edging forward again. I fumbled for my cellphone, but by the time I turned it on they headed east away from the park. These were not birds or drones." - ufostalker.com
2021, February 28th
Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, CA
"I had seen a lot of activity on Saturday, and happen to capture more the next day. There was a black orb/object hovering around. Saw the group of orbs again like the day before. I also saw two tic tacs that would slow down to a stop and then reverse, up, down, then shoot off."
2021, May 4th
Santa Cruz, CA
"This morning at 4:35am towards the east/ne direction, following along the Hwy 1 route; I saw a line of several double star-like lights in formation slithering slowly like a snake towards the south east. They appeared to be very high up and were visible for about a minute before they disappeared towards the town of Watsonville. They looked just like twinkling stars, and made no sound." - ufostalker.com
2022, February 15th
Santa Cruz, CA
"First 7 flashes of light followed by 7 shadowy saucer shapes that stayed still. The saucers disappeared one at a time until my security camera caught seven lights flash out of no where. There were no clouds and was a blue sky. Immediately after flashes of star shaped lights appeared, shadowy grey saucers appeared. They disappeared like a blink (no fade or movement) one by one. At the 3 minutes mark, 2 saucers remained stationary until the final one disappeared."