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Hecker Pass, Mount Madonna, Lee Road, Pinto Lake, The Redman House, Sunset State Beach, The Tuttle Mansion, Veteran’s Memorial Building

Hecker Pass ghost haunted watsonville

Hecker Pass

The ghost of a young woman in a red dress has been seen walking along the beginning of Hecker Pass for generations. She is known to hitch rides, mostly from taxi drivers. They pick her up and then claim that she vanishes suddenly. 

One cab driver from Watsonville had an extra unusual experience with the mysterious lady in red, not knowing she was a spirit until the following day. It began one night at around midnight. The taxi driver was near Mount Madonna when a beautiful young woman waved him down and asked for a ride. Contemplating on whether or not to give the lady a ride, (since it was late) he decided to take the woman to her destination. The ghost asked to stop near the bottom of Mount Madonna next to a house that stood alone. He felt the young woman get nervous when they approached her home. The spirit suddenly jumped out of the car and bolted toward the house, not paying her fare for the cab ride. 

The next day, the cab driver went to the residence he had seen the young woman run into the night before. An elderly woman opened the door and he began telling her what had transpired the previous evening, describing the young woman in the red dress. The homeowner picked up a framed photo of her two daughters and showed it to the taxi driver. Immediately, the driver recognized the young lady and pointed her out. Shocked, the mother then replied that her daughter had died in a car accident years before as she was heading home. 


(About a mile up )

Watsonville, CA 95076


Mount Madonna haunted ghost

Mount Madonna

Sarah Miller’s spirit has been seen around Mount Madonna since her death in 1879. The land was owned by her father, Henry Miller “The Cattle King,” one of Gilroy’s founders who had bought the property only months before his daughter died. One hot summer day in June, eight-year-old Sarah was riding her ‘trusty steed’ back to their property when suddenly, her horse tripped, causing Sarah to fall and break her neck and die instantly. 

Mount Madonna haunted ghost
Mount Madonna haunted ghost
Mount Madonna haunted ghost

Soon after Sarah's life was cut much too short, ghost stories began to arise. Over the years literally hundreds of witnesses allege seeing her ghostly apparition on horseback at Mount Madonna County Park. Some even claim to see Sarah riding in the back seats of their cars, only to vanish seconds later.

Sarah is also believed to haunt the Mount Madonna Inn (currently closed) on top of the mountain. Visitors have seen and heard a horse trotting and galloping around the hotel, along with seeing lights turn off and on late at night, when no one was in the building. 

In recent years, a Park Ranger claimed to have heard a young woman screaming for help from the Mount Madonna Inn. He searched the perimeter of the building and didn’t find anyone. 

Mount Madonna haunted ghost
Mount Madonna haunted ghost

Some claim Sarah’s father, Henry Miller - “The Cattle King,” also haunts his beloved land. 

Mount Madonna haunted ghost
Mount Madonna haunted ghost

The haunted Miller Mansion Ruins, Mount Madonna

Additional Information:

-In 2010, some campers awoke in the morning on Mount Madonna to find horse tracks and small footprints circling their tent.



Year established: 1927

7850 Pole Line Road

Watsonville, CA 95076

(408) 842-2341 


watsonville haunted ghost indian

Lee Road

Surrounded by a large fence, ancient Costanoan-Ohlone burial grounds sit in a large 7-acre knoll on Lee Road, in Watsonville. The burial ground was discovered in 1975, when bones and remains were uncovered while warehouses were going to be built in the vicinity. More remains were found in the same area in 1980. (See Sentinel story below.)

watsonville haunted ohlone burial grounds
watsonville haunted ohlone burial grounds

Once occupied by an Indian village and cemetery over 1,500 years ago, some have claimed to have sighted Ohlone spirits walking on the land where their bodies are laid to rest.

Since the property is private, the exact address or region has been restricted. 


Registered Landmark of Historic Places

Watsonville, CA 95076


Pinto Lake, Watsonville, California haunted

Pinto Lake

Several ghost stories haunt Pinto Lake, which was established in 1844. Its history dates back to when Ohlone Indians (The Awaswas Tribe) had a small village off the banks. Over the years both Native American artifacts as well as remains have been found in and around the Watsonville lake. Numerous Indians were allegedly buried around the body of water, contributing to the paranormal activity which is said to occur. 

Ohlone skeletons, pinto lake skeletons

Over the years there’s been an unusual amount of drownings, the first (documented) being in 1904. 

 pinto lake drownings, watsonville haunted

It is claimed that one of the drowning victims is known to walk the shore after dark. The apparition of the young woman has been seen near the back of the lake wearing a white dress. Some say she had been a former nurse that was stationed on the property during World War II. In the mid 1970’s four locals all witnessed the phantom nurse across Pinto Lake.

“Talk about being scared. This silhouette of this girl chased us all the way, until we got out. We swore never again to be caught there after dark.” – Local J.P. Val  

haunted Pinto Lake, watsonville ghost

 Suicides occurred at the lake as well, one being in 1977 when a 21-year old man brutally stabbed himself to death.

In 1942, Veteran Charles MacKay (47) was said to have a drowning suicide, while stationed at the park.   

Another spirit who is said to still be not at rest is the alleged ghost of fifty-year-old Bonnie Brashers. One late morning on September 16th, 1973, local housewife and mother of nine went out for a walk along Pinto Lake, but never returned. Her husband (who had been charged with murder just a few years prior) was the main suspect. 

Bonnie Brashers murder, watsonville ghost

Her husband was never charged, and Bonnie Brashers’ whereabouts are still unknown to this day. Legend has it that Bonnie was murdered by her husband who threw her body in the lake, where it allegedly remains today. Her ghost, who has been seen there on occasion awaits to be found, seeking justice.

Note: For more info on the Brashers case, see the story titled “The Ghost of Bonnie Brashers” on the 'Haunted Houses of Santa Cruz' page.

Bonnie Brashers murder, watsonville ghost

It is also said that the lake is haunted by some of the drowning victims who met their demise in the murky waters. 

Others believe spirits of the Ohlone Indians still reside along the banks.

haunted Pinto Lake, Watsonville, CA

“My brothers, sisters, friends, and I would hear chains and horses on the other side of the lake at night.” – Z. Mairin


Year Established: 1844

451 Green Valley Road

Watsonville, CA 95076


Redman House watsonville haunted ghost

The Redman House

The once beautiful, now run-down Queen Anne Victorian called “The Redman House” resides on Lee Road in the middle of a strawberry field in Watsonville, California. This stately home was designed for James Redman by renowned architect William H. Weeks. In the 1930s, the home was sold to the Hirahara Family who owned the home until 1989. The home has been abandoned ever since. In 1998, locals started The Redman House Committee (now known as the Redman-Hirahara Foundation) to try to save and restore the spooky Victorian with donations from the public.

Amazingly, The Redman is as haunted as it looks. People passing by have sighted and heard the spirits that reside in the home. Some claim to have seen orbs and light anomalies, along with blue and white mists, particularly over the shingles of the roof. Legend has it that people were murdered in the house and their angered presence still linger.

Many have heard sounds coming from within the Victorian’s walls, and mysteriously from way down the road. Doors have been heard slamming shut loudly on their own, and cool, mystifying breezes have been felt coming from the front door, as if it had just slammed shut. Locals also claim to have heard cries for help from various sexes and ages from within this dreadfully creepy place. 

Redman House watsonville haunted ghost
Redman House watsonville haunted ghost

Additional Information:

-Several years back, well-known paranormal investigator, author, Jeff Dwyer and his friend heard the disembodied voices of two men arguing behind the front door of the Redman House. It startled them so badly that they took off running.

Redman House watsonville haunted ghost


Historical Landmark

Year built: 1897

Lee Road at Beach Road

Watsonville, CA 95076


sunset beach watsonville haunted ghost

Sunset State Beach

According to, “if you’re camping at Sunset Beach State Park with children, remind them not to talk to any strangers after midnight. Especially if they’re named ‘Steve’.” It is said that in 2014, while a mother and her children were staying at the Sunset State Beach Campgrounds, they had a visit from an unseen intruder, who was looking for company. At two in the morning, the mother was awakened to hear one of her children talking. When asked who she was talking to, her daughter said that “Steve wanted a friend to stay with him.” The child then began choking, and when her mother approached her, she noticed what she believed to be small finger prints around her daughter’s throat.

Other people have had unexplainable encounters, such as in 2006, when an anonymous Sunset State Beach visitor captured what they believe to be a ghost in their photograph (shown below).  

sunset beach watsonville haunted ghost

“This was on Sunset Beach in Watsonville, CA, April of 2006. We were the only ones on the beach. It was cold and getting dark. Everyone else had already left the beach except us, and our nieces that took this picture.” –


201 Sunset Beach Road

Watsonville, CA 95076

(831) 763-7063


Tuttle Mansion watsonville haunted ghost

The Tuttle Mansion

The big and elegant Victorian was once owned and built for Morris B. Tuttle, his wife, and their six children in 1899. Years after the family passed away and left the home, ghost stories began to arise.

According to, disembodied laughter, sounds, and footsteps have been heard within the haunted Tuttle Mansion, in addition to a full-body apparition of a woman ringing an old farm bell.


Historical landmark

Year built: 1899

Dusty Treasures and Antiques

723 F East Lake Avenue

Watsonville, CA 95076

(408) 422-3896


Veterans Memorial watsonville haunted ghost

Veteran's Memorial Building

The haunted Veteran’s Memorial Building of Watsonville was built in 1934 as a memorial for Veterans and as a social center for the town. For years, many individuals have spoken about their supernatural encounters in this aged structure. Several locals have witnessed a little boy on the show stage dressed in outdated clothing, as well as hear the sounds of a ball bouncing. The stage curtains are said to move mysteriously at random times, as if someone is behind them, but there is never anyone nearby. Visitors have claimed to hear mystifying noises on the second floor, and the sound of pool balls cracking, yet there are no pool tables in the building. Objects are said to mysteriously fall off of shelves in the offices, in addition to the sense of being watched.

In 2017, I spoke to a current Veteran’s Memorial employee who is a believer. “I have never seen the ghost of the little boy, but we know he’s here,” he shared with me.  

Veterans Memorial watsonville haunted ghost


Year built: 1934

215 East Beach Street

Watsonville, CA 95076



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